Following their research at the Manufactura de Tapecarias de Portalegre and their visit to the last remaining weavers of the Corbertor de Papa in Maçainhas, Leonid Keller developed the interdisciplinary spatial installation ‘Interwoven Spaces (2024)’.

The installation serves as a reflection on the decline of craftsmanship in Portugal and globally. Within the installation, one encounters repetitive hand movements intrinsic to traditional craftsmanship. The installation encourages the viewer to reflect on the consequences of neglecting tactile skills in the midst of digital progress. It raises the question of possible losses in this transition and underlines the importance of preserving manual skills in an increasingly digitalised world. 

Funded by the European Union' and the Goethe-Institut. This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union

Installation view, INSTITUTO, Porto